Monday, August 10, 2009


I finally finished the book I planned on putting together for a Geraldine. Nearly a month ago I had posted this paper by reminisce, the collection called "Catch me if you can." I just loved this paper for boys. There just isn't enough good paper out there for boy projects. Its funny because I have nearly scrapped all my sons sports photos and loved the paper so much I decided to do it for a good friend. Notice I didn't journal it on purpose I will leave that to Preston's mom to do!!! It turned out so cute and the subject is pretty darn cute too!! Hope you enjoy it as much as I did, putting it together.

Monday, August 3, 2009


Had a great weekend preparing these 6 x 6 2 page recipe swap layouts for a crop this month.
I can't wait to see what everyone else does. I am excited to get a bunch of new recipes as well.

We are in groups of 10 people and each person does 10 exact layouts and then we all exchange them at the crop should be lots of fun.
This weekend you'll find me in Ruskin at a Breast Cancer Crop. Email me for details $35.00 for all day.
Happy Scrappin